An Ode To My Son | 05

- 1S02E08 | Circle
- 2Insomnia | S02E07
- 3Pillars | S02E06
- 4Indus | S02E05
- 5Growing Up + Shooting Star | S02E04
- 6Feminism | S02E03
- 7India | S02E02
- 8Good Day, Bad Day | S02E01
- 9Season 02 Trailer | 00
- 10Paris When It Sizzles | 08
- 11Life Story | 07
- 12Marriage | 06
- 13An Ode To My Son | 05
- 14Predestined | 04
- 15Fragrant | 03
- 16Gratitude | 02
- 17I Love Me | 01
- 18Preview | 00
An Ode To My Son | 05
Motherhood is perhaps one of most enriching experiences any woman can go through. In this episode, Nupur takes us through her journey as a mother, and what she's learnt on the way. Here's her ode to her son, in the form of a soothing poem.